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Q: How do I reach the top?

A: As professional football can be a relatively short career, players need to be at their best of ability at all times in order for them to be recognised and not replaced by other players, especially at youth level. Staying at the top of your game requires focus and commitment, you need to work hard on a daily basis to improve on all aspects of your game. Push yourself to learn new things, improve yourself physically and mentally with new ways of training and stay up to date with current football news.

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What is a football agent?

A football agent is a person who, for a fee, procures and negotiates employment and endorsement deals for their player.

In return, football agents receive a commission that is usually five percent of the contract, although this figure varies between various agents.

Some football agents work as part of large companies and others work individually in their own business.

The number of players an individual football agent has on their books varies from agent to agent depending on the quality and endorsements of their existing players.

Football agents may be relied upon by their clients for guidance in all aspects of business, and depending on the nature of the agent, even social and personal aspects of the client's lives.

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